萌兔贺岁,合家欢乐,幸福安康。2023 年欢喜过大年.
Wish you all the best for 2023
Peace on earth will come to stay when we live Christmas every day.
Hoping your Diwali brings health, wealth, and happiness.
Wishing you peace & happiness
#patuhiSOP #kitajagakita
Wishing all of you and your family a Happy Christmas with a bunch of Love and Prayers.
May the Divine Light of Diwali shine with Peace Prosperity Happiness and Good Health in your life.
JR Group mengucapkan kepada semua warga Malaysia, Happy Independence Day 2021
淡淡粽叶春,浓浓世间情; 根根丝线连,切切情谊牵。
#stayhome #staysafe #kitajagakita
Please follow SOP. Mask on all the time, sanitizer frequently, avoid going to crowded places and mass gathering.
Peace to the world. Hope for a bright future. Wish you and your family Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
May the lamp of joy, illuminate your life and fill your days with the bright sparkles of peace, mirth and goodwill.
JR Group mengucapkan kepada semua warga Malaysia, Selamat Hari Merdeka 2020
快乐像一片片粽叶, 团团地将你包围; 幸福像一阵阵棕香, 久久的环绕着你。
Wishing you and your family a prosperous and blessing to Eid Ul-Adha
Keep safe and be well, all the best to you and your family. Pray for peace and harmony for all the humankind.
值此辞旧迎新之际,永恒集团衷心地感恩,恭祝大家2020年,鼠年大吉,合家平安,福星高照,万事如意。 Happy Chinese New Year 2020!
JR wishes Happy Chinese New Year 2020 to all suppliers and customers! We are pleased to inform that all JR offices will be closed for the Chinese New Year Celebration from 24th Jan to 29th Jan 2020. All business operations will resume normal on 30th Jan 2020.
May this festive season sparkle and shine, may all your wishes and dreams cone true, and may you feel this happiness all year round. Merry Chrismas!
Bring The Happiness, The Joy, The Properily in Life.The Festival Of Light Wish You All Happy Diwali 2019
尊敬的客户朋友们,让我们为您送上美好的祝福:月圆人员家团圆;事顺业顺家兴旺。 中秋节快乐 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 永恒集团 敬贺
JR wishes Happy Chinese New Year 2019 to all suppliers and customers! We are pleased to inform that all JR offices will be closed for the Chinese New Year Celebration from 1st Feb 2019 to 10th Feb 2019. All business operations will resume normal on 11th Feb 2019.
Fill your life with Happiness & Bright Chear, Bring to your Joy and Prosperity. Happy Chinese New Year 2019!
May this Christmas end the present year on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright New Year. Here's wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Our brand new "POS Oil Seal" packaging represents our dedication in providing quality products with vibrant service. Any copyright infringement over the new design shall be subject to legal pursuits and disciplinary actions.
Happy Diwali to all, may the lamps of joy illuminate your life and fill your days with the bright sparkles of peace, mirth and goodwill.
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节快乐 值此中秋佳节之际,致以至诚的祝福和感恩, 祝愿您心如明月,事事圆成。 永恒集团 敬贺
Rakyat Malaysia, marilah kita berusaha bersama-sama untuk membina sebuah negara yang lebih mapan, baik dan maju.
Wishing you a joyous celebration and prosperous days ahead.
''GONG XI FA CAI'' Wish u a successful and glorious and thanks! 新年快乐 祝大家:家兴人兴万事兴,福旺财旺运气旺!
2018 旺福迎春 周年联欢晚宴 03/02/2018 Saturday 7:00PM HGH Convention Centre
18/10/2017 Happy Deepavali 2017 Diwali, Brings The Happiness, The Joy, The Hope, The Light, The Prosperity In Life To Everyone
04/10/2017 月圆、家圆、人圆、事圆,圆圆团团;国和、家和、人和、事和,和和满满。 中秋夜,月儿圆,送您祝福把梦圆,情圆心圆,花好月圆, 祝大家:幸福、和气美满、合家欢乐!
Gong Xi Fa Cai ! Happy Chinese New Year 2017